With less than two weeks to St. Patrick's day, it's time to lay out your green t-shirts and draw inspiration from the wee folk! Let me present Challenge 5, The St. Patrick's Day challenge. Now this is going to be a very loose challenge. Your options are
- Fiction or Poetry (including song)
- Original Fiction or Fanfiction
Here's the challenge. By 12:01 am, March 18th (just so the deadline can fall on Hillary's birthday), you must have a work of at least 100 words written. Your restrictions are as follows:
- Must involve St. Patrick's Day, if only in setting or mention.
- Must include one of the following prompts: shamrock, irish music, snake(s), corned beef, leprechaun. Now, these prompts can either be the subject of the story/poem or simply a word used in the poem. These prompts were headings listed under the symbols and traditions of St. Patrick's Day article at history.com. Check out the site for inspiration, if you need it. ( http://www.history.com/content/stpatricksday/symbols-and-traditions )
- Must include the word GREEN. Or you'll be pinched. The word can be in the title, text, or the letters hidden at the beginning/end of lines (in the case of poetry).
BONUS POINTS: Go to any participant who uses a BEER reference... (I don't know what you'll be doing with these points. Perhaps they'll come in use during the Quillies.)
Have fun! And don't forget to leave a link to your story or an update on your work in the comments section.
I put up my original fiction answer to this challenge. I'll be doing a fan fiction one as well. This one is called "A Saint Patrick's Day Mission."
Here's my fanfiction response to the challenge! It's a Supernatural (tv show) fic called "An Unlikely Source." It can be found here!
So, yeah, I turned mine into a chapter story fanfic for Supernatural...It should be a lot of fun, but I can't post it on fanfiction yet because the site isn't working properly. Uggg. I'll post a link soon. It's called Of Wee Folk and Shotguns. It uses Leprechaun, green, and beer. :0. All three words will probably used throughout the story again, hee. Especially 'green beer' knowing Dean.
That's my link to my first chapter...
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