Monday, July 20, 2009

Challenge Thirteen: Underwire Challenge

Ok, Ok, so you've just read the title of this challenge and received a large mental question mark in return. Here's the deal: I watch action and horror movies, most of which are cheesy or simply lack realistic characters. I constantly see girls get into situations where they have "nothing" they can use to fight the bad guy/girl, get out of the trap, save another person. I think that, aside from a brain, the most unused tool at their disposal is just a cup-size away. Think about it (I'm talking to the ladies here--the nondrag guys amongst us will have to use their imagination), the majority of women wear bras, even with formal wear, though many Sci-Fi (excuse me, Syfy) writers would have you think otherwise. And, in turn, the majority of bras have underwire for lift. Now, any woman who's had a cheap bra has felt the stinging end of the underwire and knows its dangers.

Are we forming a picture now?

So, my challenge to you: write a scene, story, script, etc. where a woman or man (be creative, Mr. Kinky Boots) uses their bra in a tight situation for something other than seduction. Specifically, I'd like it to be a very high-action moment, but any creative use will be worth it.

This challenge has no real due date, and, unless it's a piece you're posting online, you won't need to put a link in the comments. Just comment below and tell me a little about the situation you're planning to write about, and how the bra comes into play.

Have fun and, as always, be creative!

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