Sunday, May 20, 2012

It's Time for Camp!

And, by camp, I mean Camp NaNoWriMo.

Most of us know about NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month. In the month of November, writers sign up to take on the challenge of writing fifty-thousand words in thirty days. Fewer folks, however, know about Camp NaNoWriMo. Basically, same rules, different months.  This year, Camp will take place during June and August. So, if you've always put off NaNoWriMo because November is too chaotic, consider that excuse a toasted marshmallow.

Now, you're probably wondering why you should participate. I mean, you can write 50k any month of the year, right? Very true. Most serious writers do crank out a heavy word count without any NaNoWriMo badges as a reward. However, if you're like me, a deadline always helps to control the inner procrastinator. I'm the type of person who winces when I get an extension, because I know that my inner procrastinator has just been given permission to take a play-break.

So, the pressure of having thousands of other writers working their fingers to the bones during the same month? That stirs up my competitive side and makes me want to finish a project.

If you're like me, and you sometimes need the peer-pressure push, then visit and sign up for one or both of the Summer challenges. (Also, as a side note, the forums at, the mother ship, as it were, are fun places for writers of all ages, in all stages of their careers. Check them out.)


P.S. You can find me at either site under my author name, ADSpencer, if you want a friend or cabin buddy.

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