MARY SUE!!! Run! For the sake of all that is good and half-way decent, run, fool, run!
The inventor of this particular challenge was Hillary. *bows*
For all those reading, if you don't know what a Mary Sue is, you should really google her. A quick definition of Mary Sue would be a character who is too perfect or too anti-perfect for her/his own good; usually said character captures the affections of all other characters around her/him and becomes the main focus of all things within the story. Have a character who is part elf, part vampire, part angel and has four lovers competing for her love...well, then, you have a Mary Sue. It's an uber Sue if you gave her lavendar eyes, turquoise hair, and a banging body she's not aware of. The Mary Sue is traditionally an original character written by fanfiction writers but the term has recently evolved to include characters in original fiction.
Due Date: April 16th
Writing Type: Fanfiction
Length: No word limitations.
So, for the challenge you can:
- Write for a Sue without fear. This means that you write for a Mary Sue without fear of being flamed. This doesn't mean that you won't be flamed by reviewers, however. But it could be fun to indulge in the life style of the perfect :)
- Be on the receiving end of a Sue. Write as a canon character being faced with a Sue or an original character who runs into a Sue.
- Kill a Sue. Fun, fun, fun.
As usual, post your links in the comments below. Have fun!
Ok, here's my challenge fic. Faith and Giles (from Buffy, of course) discuss a Sue who has infiltrated their lives.
Here's my Harry Potter fic about a Sue that plagues Hermione!
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