Because we're all kind of busy this semester, we'll free you up some for this one.
- Choose any fandom you'd like to write for (for fandom, read: fanfiction)
- After you've chosen your fandom, choose your main character. This is to whom the answer must apply
- Then, choose one of the answers below.
- Using this "answer," in the space of a one-shot (500 word minimum), find the question that applies to this answer for this character.
Because I love him/her.
Because this is my sacrifice.
Because I am evil/good.
Because I live the lie, everyday.
Bonus Points: If you write for a fandom you've never written for before!!
Due: Oct. 28, 2009
Mine was to the answer 'Because I love her'. I wrote it for Stargate Universe, a new verse for me--so, yay for the bonus. Here's the link to the appropriately named "Because":
Okay, so this is entirely for selfish reasons but...I'd like to extend the due date of this until...midnight of Nov. 1? I know this runs into Nano, but it's a short little thing...
I've got mine started...It'll be in Witchblade (the TV series) and it'll be called Reasons...I'm just trying to adjust/find time to finish it...I'm trying to get it out before the deadline...but yeah, an extension, please? If we're all agreed?
Hahaha! I'm fine with it :D And since I'm the only one who's submitted my response, I vote that everyone else should get the extension, haha. Plus, I really want to read that Witchblade story, lol.
Trish, are you submitting? lol Submit to me. . .
Okay, so I WILL do and submit the story I had planned for this...but it might be way later...anywhere from Thanksgiving holiday to December. Of course, I could surprise everyone and submit it next week (God knows how, but whatever, haha). Freakin' nano is occupying my thoughts. I so desperately want to finish this year that that is occupying my time...and stupid college. But I will do it, I swear. If you guys want to count it as me doing this challenge, awesome, if not, I'd completely understand. I'm so sorry. I actually had planned to do it Saturday some time...but we all know how crazy that was...
And that didn't sound lesbianish at all, Slink, haha.
Of course...I could just try to finish it now...hmmm....
Okay, so yeah...I did the challenge, lol. It's Witchblade and called "Reasons." Give it a read!
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