Monday, October 5, 2009

Challenge Fifteen: The NaNoWriMo Backstory Challenge

Visit for more information on National Novel Writing Month.

NaNoWriMo. . .What a special time of year! Thousands of writers gathered with one common writing goal--finish a 50,000 word novel in one month's time.

This year, to help all you funky NaNos out there, I propose a challenge before THE Challenge.

As you're plotting, outlining, and forming characters for your NaNo Novel, you can take part in this October challenge. It might help you when you start to write on November 1st.

Pick a character who is going to be present in your NaNoWriMo novel. Every character is full of history. After all, they should have lived a life before the events of your story. So pick an event, a moment in their life, or even a previous adventure they were involved in and write a short story.

  • Character must be present in your future NaNo novel.
  • Story cannot share the same plot as your NaNo novel.
  • 900 wd Minimum, no max
  • Due Oct 31st (In other words, before NaNoWriMo begins.)
  • Post either a link or a short synopsis in the below comments. I realize that, if you're serious about your NaNo Novel, you might not want post your short story on a site like (just in case you need to tweek it after the actual NaNo event has changed your character).
Have fun! I can't wait to see your responses.


Ariyana said...

Ok, I finished mine. I haven't posted it anywhere yet. I'm not sure if it makes perfect sense. But, anyhow. . . It's called "The Prayer." It's between Samarra and her mom, Meredith. And it's written with parts of Meredith's prayer between the scenes. It's set about 4/5 years before the prologue, during Samarra's senior year in high school. Came in at a little over 1400 wds. Tell me if you want to read it.

Kimmi Gray said...

Everyone should have bronchitis during the month leading to Nanowrimo. I know its given me some pretty funky ideas lol. I'm still working on this challenge, but I hope to have it up and running by oh say... tonight. Maybe tomorrow.
I'm doing my back story on Talia and her remembering the first hint of her power. When I post a synopsis of the story it'll make more sense I hope. So. There we go! Yay! Kimmi's doing a challenge. Go me!

PatriciaLouise said...

Okay, Slink, you should totally post it somewhere. Kimmi, that sounds awesome.

I've decided my story (when I do it) will be when Lily's brother left home...I WILL have it up soon!