Monday, December 29, 2008
Winter Image Challenge
The image is of a snow covered tire, the little red berries surrounding it. Take this image and think about it a moment. Write me something, a poem, a story, a stream of consciousness ramble. Describe it if you like. Or go somewhere else completely. . .
Pretend you've fallen and this is what you see. Is the tire part of a yard? In the middle of the woods? The remains of a winter evening car crash?
Are the specks of red berries or fairy eggs? Are they mystic berries or poison for the unfaithful spouse?
Or is this image about the snow for you? Is your story about the cold? Is your poem about the winter?
This the Guild's first image challenge. Others should feel free to post images and challenge their fellow writers. Or maybe tell us about an image that you wrote about. This is your mission: visual inspiration. Tell us about it. You don't have to post your work or the result of the inspiration. Just the "about".
Have fun, and happy holidays!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Inspiration in Weird News
Recently, however, I've discovered that this little box that I glance over every now and then often times has a lot of unusual stories that I can use.
It has become a source of inspiration.
It didn't hit me that I used my weird news feed for anything other than something to read to pass time until I found myself dragging an article about a burglar being trapped in a house that he was trying to rob by a ghost into my One Note (I love one note. Have I mentioned this?) and went over a couple of ideas that might make somewhat amusing short stories.
I just found it interesting that something I barely even look at unless the headline really grabs me turned out to be a major source of inspiration for me.
Hum, so I thought it was useful and interesting. *shrug* I think I might have some incentive to write this Christmas break. And half my work is done for me, haha.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
NaNoWriMo: Finish Line. Not Quite but Kinda.
Can you believe November is over? I just barely crossed the 50k line myself. And that was without my actual novel reaching anything close to a conclusion. I still have work to do if it's going to be anything. This year wasn't a great year for writing but it did teach me a few things:
Head starts are awesome. I was sick for a week. I took tons of days off, but because of the head start I got on my word count goal (10k in three days), I was able to keep up. Also, I learned that I can write wayyyyy too many words in a weekend if I put my mind to it.
Journals are the bomb diggity. I kept a NaNo journal on my One Note. It really kept me informed of where I was lacking and when I was a powerhouse. I also realized that One Note is so convenient that I'll probably be using it for everything from a food journal to a poetry diary.
NaNoWriYe. So maybe it's not national, but I think I could benefit from a National Novel Writing Year. I'm at that age. I need to be working my baby. It's that time. I've got to keep my writing chiselled to rock hard syntax perfection and get my dialogue lookin' sexy. This is the year. I say that all the time. Every year. However, my life is about to hit an oil slick. I'm going to be tossed out on my butt careerwise. Also, I realized that several of my stories have not been worked on since '06. What happened to '07 and '08? Seriously. College. Anyhow, this year needs to be the year that something is done. Who's with me?
Seriously, any takers?
Well, I'm still doing it. Here goes an entire year of setting goals and failing. I mean, overcoming obsticals. Yeah. That's what I meant. I plan on keeping up with my failures and my successes in a journal. What do you guys think? Is the writing journal worth the extra writing? This question goes out to those of you who know about my list obsession...
Monday, October 27, 2008
I love my little calander, though. Maybe it'll help me get finished more quickly or summthin.
Writing party here we come! We must prepare and get nummy snacks and such... hummmmm....
Friday, October 24, 2008
So, the short of it: 30 days, 50,000 words. That's it. What do you win? The satisfaction of knowing you have completed a full novel--or maybe not, maybe you just did the beginning or beginning and middle of a novel in 50,000 words, it works--in 30 days. It's hectic. It's hell. And it's a hell of a good time.
Now, as for myself, I'm doing a rewrite of a novel that I hope to publish one day. A COMPLETE REWRITE! I've kept meaning to. Now, I have no reason not to.
I'll let the others post here and let them tell you about their works. My is entitled Dark Mistress and the Lady of Light. Well, happy Nanoing!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
A Bottle of Wine and Black Hair Dye
A Bottle of Wine and Black Hair Dye
I’ve seen the problems of this world
And to me has happened a few
But I’ll save this song for the ones that know
My woe is found in you
You take me for the ride of my life
With no direction where to go
The trail marked lightly down the map
The future no one can know
I gave my best
It was all I had
But it wasn't good enough for you
The problems of this world are far and wide
With my problems just a few
But I’ll solve mine with a bottle of wine
And black hair dye
So Baby, Here’s to you
Let me know what you think, it is already posted on Fictionpress. I dyed my hair to try to get out the red and it inspired the poem. Cause people think with my hair black it is like some kind of emo expression or something lol.
Savvy AKA LoneLilyintheGarden
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Ah to be inspired...
The Painfully Less Inspired Savvy
Thursday, September 4, 2008
CrushCrushCrush on Fiction
Books. Television. Movies. Comics. Games.
Full of people who aren't real. Sure, they may look like people you know, they may be played by famous actors. But the characters themselves are pure fiction. So how do you crush on a fictional someone? It's pretty easy: you get addicted.
Does prefered gender matter? Probably not. If the crush concerns a character outside of your orientation, you'd probably consider the character to simply be a favorite. But there's an attractive quality to personalities can't live without.
As a writer, I collect these personalities, store away my crushes for later, but not for real-life comparasions when I'm looking for a prospective date. No, fictional crushes stay in fiction, are torn apart and put back together again to become something new. To become another reader's fictional crush.
I can't wait to make a few of my own.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The Big Fish Assignment
I've read other writing aids which mention drawing inspiration from the bare facts of newspaper articles, and I look forward to this assignment. My own story will involve a monkey interrupting commuters in Tokyo (that's the article's contribution). Other Guild members might be interesting in attempting this assignment on their own time. I think this experiement with fact and fantasy could be used in novels (obviously), short stories, and even poetry--for poetry, though, you would most likely be diving into the human emotions related to the facts of the stories.
As writers, we all draw material from real life, often our own life. But, if you're in a rut, this assignment could help you dig your way back to the surface.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
New Frontiers...Sort Of
But I got to thinking: What if I treated this story as "seasons" of a TV show? Each piece (a short story piece being at least 6 to 10 pages in length) would be an "episode" and the overall collection would be the "seasons."
I have never before had my blood pumping so excitedly for short story writing in my entire life! I can't wait to do little exercises to get to know my characters. I also can't wait to structure my "seasons" which will each contain about 26 episodes.
So, I felt creative. Any thoughts?
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
blogs,blogs, and more blogs...
Little HELP please!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
For Fear of Fantasy
I know the worlds. I know what makes I High Fantasy high. I know it, the good, the bad, and the ugly. I'm a fan of the good. I'm afraid I write the ugly. The cliche, seen this a thousand times before, fictions riddles with borrowings from other authors and hollow of significance.
Sometimes when I attempt fantasy (and not in short doses but in novel-riffic ideas) I get lost in the story, the difficult details, the magic, government, military, journey. . .Which sucks because my favorite part of any book is the characters. I love humanity--the awkwardness, the struggle, the emotion--and I love characters in my favorite books as if they were real people. I cry for them, I squee for them, and, sometimes, I long for their company. However, characters never quite come to full light in my fantasy. They blend in with the stereotypical fantasy characters. I can classify them on sight and sort them into groups. I hate that.
So. I have a plan. And if you know me, you know my love for plans. Here it goes: next time I go to pen a story idea, I'm going to pause. I'm going to do what I really love first. I'm going to set the cast and write through them, know their ends and outs before I ever drench their world in magic and dreams. And to know a person is to know their life, their world. Knowing them and the decisions they've made (or not made) will paint my fantasy dream for me.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Summer heat sucks more than energy...
Ariyana and I were discussing this earlier on the phone. Why is it, when you have the time, the peace and quiet an empty home provides, the knowledge that you have absolutely NOTHING to do it is almost impossible to pen to paper (or finger to keyboard) and write something? Its almost as if as the temprerature rises outside the ability to be creative lowers.
And of course, when you're in full swing of college with a full 15 hour course load, 3 papers, 2 projects, and 54 hours of observations to complete within the next week and a half in seems as if nothing but ideas, characters, locations, situations, and conflicts fill your head, begging to be released.
What's the point of having a break when you are unable to do what you want?
Might as well cancel summer if that's the case.