Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Question for Guild Members...

Hi, Quillers! This is just a quick little post to ask all of you a question. I know that we are a writing group, but I was wondering...

Many of our members also do art. Some draw, some do photo manipulations, some do crafts, some do all of the above and/or more. So, I thought that I could start one of those new-fangled group thingies (ie, groups, LOL) at deviantart for any GFQ related art. And I know the day is coming where that will exist. Soon... mwahahahahaha...

So, post a comment because I'd love to know!


Viva la Quill


Kimmi Gray said...

heh, thats fine by me! Thats a great idea, actually. Hah, hopefully I might be able to, you know, actually do something artistically inclined at some point during this dangum internship.

Ariyana said...

So I left this long comment and blogger and it was 'unable to process my request'. Anyhow, it came down to great idea! I'd love to do some inspirational GFQ art.